books and articles
projects that i worked in
if you want to learn with me
I will go through all the stages of getting your online presence, from getting a website name to complete website development. By completing this course, you will have your website up and running within a maximum of two months.
I have a small business from which you can purchase hosting services.
Personal courses for complete beginners to help you level up.
You can purchase Adobe genuine license from me.
މި ފޮތުން އަމިއްލައަށް ދިވެހި ވެބްސައިޓެއް ހަދާނެގޮތް ދަސްވާނެއެވެ. އަދި ފޮތް ގަތުމުން ވީޑިއޯ އާއި އިތުރު އެހީ ލިބިގެންދާނެއެވެ. إن شاء الله
If you have a comment or suggestion, or even if you want to do a collaborative project/paper..